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Join our gymnastics programme!

Is your child interested in gymnastics? Gymnastics lessons will help to improve your child's balance, agility and co-ordination.

"My daughter's confidence has come on leaps and bounds, since starting her gymnastics lessons. She has really enjoyed learning new skills, and showcasing them in competitions. She has made some great friends in her class, which is also a lovely bonus."

Gymnastics lesson parent


South Ribble Tennis and Fitness Centre GymnasticsGymnasticsGymnastics




Class Age Day Cost
Pre-School 3-4 years Sat 9-9.45am; Sun 10.15-11am

£26 per month Rolling Direct Debit OR

£65 per 10 Week Course

Beginners 4-6 years (at primary school) Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 4-5pm; Sat 10-11am and 11am-12pm; Sun 11am-12pm

£26 per month Rolling Direct Debit OR

£65 per 10 Week Course

Beginners 7+ Mon, Tues & Fri 5-6pm; Wed 4-5pm; Sat 12-1pm; Sun 12-1pm

£26 per month Rolling Direct Debit OR

£65 per 10 Week Course

Intermediate Invitation Only Mon, Tues & Fri 6-7pm; Wed 5-6pm; Sat 1-2pm

£26 per month Rolling Direct Debit OR

£65 per 10 Week Course

Advanced Invitation Only Wed & Thurs 6-8pm; Sat 2-4pm

£30 per month Rolling Direct Debit OR

£75 per 10 Week Course

About our lessons

  • All in a fun and welcoming environment, your child will learn fundamental skills which are transferable and will help with other sports and activities.
  • Our gymnastics courses are led by qualified instructors, for ages 3-16 and are held at South Ribble Tennis Centre.
  • The lessons follow the National Gymnastics Awards Programme. 
  • Please note that lessons run all year (including school holidays) and only pause over Christmas. Direct Debits remain the same in December, as the two week break is taken into account and payments spread over the 12 months. Block paying customers will have sessions paused automatically.
  • Direct Debit membership includes FREE SWIMMING! Your child will be able to enjoy free entry to 'General Swim'.

Contact us to book 


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